Photos & stills Archival photographs of La Tinh and stills from the documentary All Photos Stills Phap Su Phap Su (village sorcerer) Củng reads Han-Nom texts for local habitants in the Hao pagoda. 1992 Mr. Thanh Mr. Thanh wears a ceremonial red turban and tunique on the occasion of his 80th birthday. 1992 Children Children of La Tinh. 1992 Cock fighting Cock fighting at village festival. 1990’s Wedding ceremony Young couple after their wedding ceremony. 1992 Traditional funeral Traditional funeral procession. 1992 Still Modern village gate of “Cultural village of La Tinh”. The term “cultural village” is a government-sponsored title. Still City- apartments in high-rising buildings in sub-urban Hanoi. Still Building activity around Hanoi in 2014- 2015. Still Village rice fields and distant apartment buildings. Still Mother and children in one of the hamlets of the village. Still A street in one of the hamlets of the village.