Many thanks to all the individuals and organisations who helped us make this documentary
The Vanishing Village
by John Kleinen and Lennart Kleinen
Dương Văn Tuân
Nguyễn Ngọc Giàng
Nguyễn Xuân Dục
Dr. Nguyễn Thị Thanh Binh
Dr. Michael R. DiGregorio
sư bác Thanh
Nguyễn Văn Mừng
Đặng Thị Đông
Translations and subtitles
Dương Nguyệt Minh
Driver & facilitator
Lê Khac Son and his family
Drone footage generously provided by
Philippe Lê
Additional footage
Great Hanoi: The center of the next 1000 years
Hanoi Urban Planning Institute (HUPI)
Vietnamese Institute of Architecture and Planning (VIAP)
Bdcnetwork (Perkins Eastman, Posco and Jina Architects)
Supporting organisations
Vietnamese Academy of Social Sciences (VASS)
People’s Committee of Dong La / La Tinh (UBND)
University of Amsterdam (UvA)
Faculty of Behavioural Sciences (FMG)
Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research (AISSR)
Kaaps Rotterdam (post production advice)
Pim Verweij (webdesign